The sight:96608743_5dcb8bbfb3

Who can touch light?

no mass, traveling the universe

It only has meaning to us

because our eyes can transform it

into images of things on which light reflects

What makes it so real?

What if we didn’t have eyes?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all blind

by the same light we think

makes us see

Light is the consequence

of physics laws applied

What is its main component?

The light is what follows

everything that came to existence

What if things that didn’t,

and therefore are not restrict by physics laws,

don’t produce or reflect it?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all blind

by the same light we think

makes us see


The hearing:

Who can touch sound?

no mass, traveling the universe

It only has meaning to us

because our ears can transform it

into tunes produced by movement

What makes it so real?

What if we didn’t have ears?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all deaf

by the same sound we think

makes us hear

Sound is the consequence

of physics laws applied

What is its main component?

The sound is what follows

everything that came to existence

What if things that didn’t,

and therefore are not restrict by physics laws,

don’t produce it?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all deaf

by the same sound we think

makes us hear


The touch:

And what if we touch?

human feeling, traveling the body

It only has meaning to us

because our nerves can transform stimuli

interpreted somehow by our brain

What makes it so real?

What if we couldn’t really feel?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all frigid

by the same touch we think

makes us feel

Touching is the consequence

of physics laws applied

What is its main component?

The touch is what follows

living creatures that came to existence

What if things that didn’t,

and therefore are not restrict by physics laws,

are not bound to it?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all frigid

by the same touch we think

makes us feel


The smell:

And what if we smell?

human feeling, traveling the body

It only has meaning to us

because our nerves can transform stimuli

interpreted somehow by our brain

What makes it so real?

What if we couldn’t really feel?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all anosmic

A consequence of the smelling we think

makes us feel

Smelling is the consequence

of physics laws applied

What is its main component?

Smelling is what follows

living creatures that came to existence

What if things that didn’t,

and therefore are not restrict by physics laws,

are not bound to it?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all anosmic

A consequence of the smelling we think

makes us feel


The taste:

And what if we taste?

human feeling, traveling the body

It only has meaning to us

because our nerves can transform stimuli

interpreted somehow by our brain

What makes it so real?

What if we couldn’t really taste?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all ageusic

A consequence of the tasting we think

makes us feel

Tasting is the consequence

of physics laws applied

What is its main component?

Tasting is what follows

living creatures that came to existence

What if things that didn’t,

and therefore are not restrict by physics laws,

are not bound to it?

Deep down…

Deep down inside ourselves…

we are all ageusic

A consequence of the smelling we think

makes us feel


Is it our senses what create reality?

Or is it they what interpret it?

Would there be a distinction between

creating or interpreting it?

I humbly think

There are more things to reality, my friend

than are felt by our earthly senses

Wise are those who don’t neglect their ethereal soul

Wise are those who die for themselves

Wise are those who think of the eternal goal

Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." (John 20.29)


by José Ruy Pimentel de Castro

~ by joseruypc on July 7, 2009.

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